Category: Mind/Soul

Instant stress buster Sundays – Just let it out!!!! Crying restores the chemical balance of the body.

Instant stress buster Sundays – Meditate it can reverse the stress response.

Need a personal guided meditation

Instant stress buster Sundays

Instant stress buster Sundays – Take in the beauty of the world around you, go for a walk in the forest or by the lake.

Instant stress buster Sundays

Instant stress buster Sundays – Escape Mentally – Read a good book and get lost , or watch an exciting movie.

Instant stress buster Sundays

Instant stress buster Sundays – Call a friend for a long chat. Having a good friend to vent to always makes me feel better (I love you Courtney thanks for always being there to listen to my vents)

Instant stress buster Sundays – Write a rage letter and don’t send it.

10 Minute De-stress Plan

Stress is part of everyday life and sometimes there is nothing we can do to avoid it. 

But we can do something about how we deal with stress.

Try this 10-Minute De-Stress Plan

1 minute – Breath Gently – Sit or lay in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Try to keep a clear mind.

4 minutes- Tense and Relax- Tighten each group of muscles (arms, abs, legs etc.) one by one. Hold tension for 5 seconds and then relax for 10 seconds before moving on to the next group of muscles.

3 minutes- Visualize- Visualize being somewhere peaceful. Let your face become totally immersed in the scene.

1 minute- Let Go- Visualize a stream of light entering your body then leaving with your stress.

1 minute- Stretch- Reach your arms and legs out feel totally renewed.

Be sure to follow me every Sunday for “Instant Stress Buster Sundays.”

If you need help dealing with the stress in your life

Instant stress buster Sundays

Instant stress buster Sundays – Sweat out your stress. Do some vigorous exercise,or even dance till you drop.

Instant stress buster Sundays

Instant stress buster Sundays – Sometimes doing nothing is the key to stress.

So you always put everyone else first? You never think of your self ? At the end of the day what did you actually do for your self?

Starting today I want you to build in time for yourself. Do your thing and don’t be tempted to do things for others during your ME TIME. Do not feel guilty , give up this guilt because it is negative energy and really your not doing anyone any favours producing negative energy.

See making time for your self brings positive energy and in the long run helps you look after the ones you love in a better positive light.

The crucial thing is that you realize the Me Time matters, and that not taking this time will distance your self from your inner power.

To learn more about this inner power be sure to sign up to my blog.

Empowerment Step: Take at least an hour 3 times a week for your self , if you can make time everyday that is even better.

Try doing some of the following :

  1. Get lost in a novel or film.
  2. Daydream, and fantasize , sometimes these dreams may come true.
  3. Dance till you drop.
  4. Meditate.
  5. Go for a walk by the lake or at your favourite park.
  6. Run a bath , light some scented candles and relax.