Category: Mind/Soul


Life can get crazy at times and the stress feels overwhelming.

How we look at stress affects our reality. If we look at the situation as being overwhelming and difficult that will be the reality of the situation. But if we change our perception of a situation we can change our reality.

First by changing your attitude towards the situation can make it easier to deal with. We need to learn to weed out the negative thoughts, these thoughts are unproductive and don’t help fix the situation.

Ever notice that the more negative you think the harder it is to think of a solution to the issue.

Don’t forget you always have a choice in how a situation is handled. You need to challenge your negative perception on the situation.

For instance , you think “I am not strong enough to deal with this , I think I will break by the end.”

Change that thought and keep telling yourself ” I am strong and I will come out even stronger at the end.”  Feeding your self positive thoughts will help ease the stress of a situation and help you keep a clear mind to find the best way of fixing the situation you are dealing with.

Also pay very close attention to your emotions when in a stressful situation.

We tend to hide our emotions and feelings, this is never good for any situation. Take some time and really think about what you are feeling or find a good friend or family member that is willing to just listen while you try to talk and work out what your feeling.

It’s always important to talk to someone that will give you their full attention and will not feed more negative thoughts to the situation.

The only thing that will come from bottled up emotions is a very large explosion that will do no good in the end.

Our reaction to stress is automatic and its often based on a past-programed response. Learn to pause and create space between you and the stress first. You need to always restore emotional control of the situation first.

This means DO NOT GO INTO DEFENSIVE MODE. Being defensive only makes you powerless.

In any situation we need to realize that life happens and with it comes stress. You will always survive what is thrown at you and I promise it will always make you stronger.

Stop now and think of all the situations in your life that you thought would end you. Now what positive has come out of it, I bet now your thinking it happened for a very good reason.

I know that I recently had gone through a situation that took a lot out of me and in the end it worked out to the best and now I am very grateful that it happened.

If your going through something now please don’t forget your strong and you can do this. I believe in you and you should believe in your self too.

If there is a situation that you really can’t figure out, I am sure together you and I can. You can find me at



Instant stress buster Sundays

Instant stress buster Sundays – Herbs are wonderful allies during stressful times. Chamomile and Catnip are relaxing and mildly sedative.

Chamomile and Catnip Tea

1 cup of boiling water  

1 teaspoon dried Chamomile

1 teaspoon dried Catnip

Pour boiling water over the herbs, cover and let steep for 10 minutes and strain. You can sweeten it with honey and lemon. Drink daily when feeling stress or anxiety.

Stress + Sleep

Life can become stressful at times and one of the most common manifestations of stress is insomnia.

I am one of those people who that suffers from insomnia when life gets a little too stressful. I spend hours staring at my ceiling or waking several times a night.

Getting enough sleep is extremely important , especially at those times in life when you are dealing with higher amounts of stress.
While we sleep growth and repair hormones are released regenerating skin cells, it refreshes and builds up new energy. It soothes our mind and best of all relieves anxiety and stress.

While we dream we clear out our mental baggage.  So when life gets a little too stressful make sleep a number one priority.

Here are a few things that I always find helpful:

1. Purchase a guided sleep meditation. I never seem to make it to the end of them, make sure that you hear a sample before hand and that      the person has a soothing voice not a recorded robot.

 2. I use a natural lavender spray on my bed sheets before I get into bed. Lavender is known to slow the heart rate,lower blood pressure and put you in a relaxed state.

3. Chamomile Tea this is great for anxiety and helping you sleep.  In the summer I am a big jug of cold Chamomile Tea and keep it in the fridge for night instead of drinking hot tea.

4. Write out your days stress in a journal. Get your self a notebook and be picky get a pen that is nice to write with.

5. Most importantly if you are not eating properly clean up your diet. Eat whole natural foods, lots of fruits and vegetables. Eliminate coffee and alcohol and drink lots of fresh filtered water.


Instant stress buster Sundays – Dance , turn up your favourite music and just DANCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Instant stress buster Sundays – Take the day off. Do nothing but relax and the things that bring you joy and happiness make sure you feel refreshed by the end of the day……ITS ALL ABOUT YOU BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Instant stress buster Sundays – Deep breathing. Would you like lessons in deep breathing ?

Instant stress buster Sundays – Ask for help. Don’t be afraid to ask , you would be surprised how happy others are to help. Make a list of family and friends you can call and keep it on the fridge. Be sure to always offer your help as well. Support systems are very important.

Instant stress buster Sundays

Instant stress buster Sundays – Think ahead. Plan early to reduce stress. Make a list of the things that need to get done. Slowly work on them instead of trying to get them done at the last minute. Having issues organizing

Instant stress buster Sundays

Instant stress buster Sundays – Hire a Holistic Life Coach

Instant stress buster Sundays

                            Instant stress buster Sundays – Take a time out. Stop what ever you are doing take a walk to refresh and then go back to what it was you were doing.